
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

MoU signed with Dutch varsity university roundup

Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswa Vidyalayam (SPMVV) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Hanze University, Groningen (Netherlands) for academic cooperation and to exchange knowledge, information and expertise between the two institutions.

According to the Vice-Chancellor G. Sarojamma who visited Netherlands recently to ink the pact, the tie-up promotes academic and research cooperation, curriculum development, institutional exchanges and professional development. Then considering the immense job potential in Netherlands, she announced to introduce a post graduate diploma course in ‘Retail Business Management’ and ‘Facility Business Management’ in regular and distance mode from the next academic year.

As facility managers take care of an organization for improving its efficiency in functioning, the students graduating from the latter course will have a bright employment future in banks, insurance companies, hotels and schools.

The university has deputed B. Vijayalakshmi, an associate professor of Management at SPMVV for a training programme on ‘Retail Marketing’, organized by the Hanze University experts at Bangalore.

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