
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

MBA course from Institute of Cooperative Management

For MBA aspirants of southern districts, here is good news. The Institute of Cooperative Management (ICM), Madurai, one of the 19 institutes of the National Council for Cooperative Training (NCCT), is to offer MBA course from this academic year. The programme, to be run by the institute as an affiliate of Madurai Kamaraj University, has the approval of All India Council for Technical Education and the State Government. Sixty students are to be admitted on the basis of Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test score this year.

According to P. Jagannathan, Principal, the institute is equipped with all facilities to conduct the MBA programme. An exclusive air-conditioned classroom with all modern tools, a computer centre with 35 Pentium D machines and broadband Internet connectivity and a computerised library with the latest books and journals on management and allied subjects are some of the value additions made for the course.

Its experience in conducting management development programmes for personnel working in cooperative institutions and research and consultancy in the areas of cooperation and rural development is an added advantage.

C. Pitchai, Programme Director, said that the two-year MBA programme would adopt Madurai Kamaraj University syllabus. In addition to class room lectures, it had been proposed to make extensive use of participative methods of learning, including case studies, exercises, industry interface, management games, experience sharing and factory visits. The courses had been structured to provide a strong foundation in functional management skills and develop leadership qualities. The ICM would also focus on developing soft skills.

The faculty members of the institute, he said, had been trained for nine months at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.

Placement of students would be integrated with other institutes in its national network. Dr. Pitchai said that students would be exposed to an in-company training programme during summer to acquire practical knowledge.

The ICM would also organise guest lectures and special training programmes every week using experts and professionals from the market to focus on areas that extended beyond the prescribed syllabus.

For further details, contact Dr. C. Pitchai, Programme Director, at 0452 – 2690056.

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