
Monday, September 15, 2008

Course in Videography

Softview Visual Communication, a city-based educational institution, has recently started a three month course in Diploma in Videography.

A press release said the objective of the course is to provide training in latest technology for better employability.

Some of the subjects covered include basics of visual media, cinematography, television and videography, basics of editing and production techniques and making documentary films.
The candidates would also gain practical knowledge through guest lectures. Students would be trained by eminent personalities of various fields, including videography and film industry. The candidates may choose their careers in various fields be it film industry, satellite television channel or educational studio. The course fee is Rs.7500-00, which is inclusive of course material and educational tour.

The classes commence on October 1, the release said.

For details, contact: Softview Visual Communication, No. 117, Nelson Manickam Salai, Chennai-29, Phone: 42113535.

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